IWAS provides an assurance that the education your child receives will be of the highest quality that will help them achieve their fullest potential in life.
Quality assurance without accreditation means nothing! At IWAS, we strive to provide the highest quality of education and therefore we aim to achieve internationally recognized accreditation.
Accreditation is an achievement that offers assurance that Inspire World American School education is sound and internationally recognized.
Even before the school’s commencement date, we are working together with Cognia and aim to achieve the accreditation in the next 24-36 months.
Over 125 Years
36000 Institution in 90 countries
Student Benifits
What is Cognia?
Founded in 1895, Cognia is the largest community of education professionals in the world! Cognia is the national commission that confers the accreditation seal and is nationally and internationally recognized as an authority in education.
It has the global network of enthusiastic educators to help strengthen the schools. Cognia has serve more than 36,000 institutions in 90 countries.
With Cognia accreditation, every student will benefit through assurance of:
• Qualified teachers
• Even greater focus on student learning
• Better transitions from grade to grade • Curriculum that is based on strict quality standard
• Smooth transfer of credit from school to school
Eligibility for grants and scholarship